
the walgreens tree

My Wednesdays are pretty busy, so I grabbed the keychain camera as I went to Walgreens. This camera is a little 1.3 megapixel keychain camera that is tiny, unpredictable and, honestly, kinda awesome. It takes such bad pictures that I love them – highly saturated, dark corners, crazy focus, etc. This one looks pretty normal compared to what it usually does.

  • Aperture: ƒ/2.8
  • Camera: SQ908 MEGA-Cam
  • Shutter speed: 1/720s
4 observations on “the walgreens tree
  1. Christi

    How cool…it’s a tree with actual changing colors. I think that little camera does pretty awesome…or maybe it was the super-talented photographer holding it.

  2. Dave

    Christi said,

    “I think that little camera does pretty awesome…or maybe it was the super-talented photographer holding it.”

    Ha! You must not know how this little jewel of a camera works. It is TINY, there is no viewfinder, no telling what the camera will put into focus, no settings to set on the camera, nothing you can do but push a button and see what comes out. Forrest Gump would say, “This camera is like a box of chocolates-you never know what you’re gonna get.” The white balance will be different on every picture, and rarely will colors actually show up like real life. And that’s the beauty of this camera; it’s fun because it’s very unpredictable. I just held it up to the tree, pointed it up towards the sky and pressed the button. And this is what came out.

    Mom, I wasn’t really complaining about the way the camera works. It’s just this picture was a little more “normal” than what I get out of it.


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