
Final Home Game

Tonight was Jacob’s final home game. It’s been a long frustrating season, but mom and dad have made it to most of the games. At the  home games, they greet him after the game down at the bottom of the bleachers. He loves coming over and chatting with them…

  • Aperture: ƒ/5.6
  • Camera: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi
  • Focal length: 160mm
  • Shutter speed: 1/160s
4 observations on “Final Home Game
  1. Shirley

    WHERE DID YOUR LITTLE RED-HEADED BOY GO ????????????????? I can’t believe he has grown into such a good-looking young man… Boy it sure makes me realize just how old I am getting… Love ya all

  2. Christi

    LOL, Shirley, I don’t think that dad is going to appreciate that comment too much! ;o)

    I know about Jacob…it still boggles my mind that he’s playing high school football!?!

  3. Jacque

    We have sure enjoyed it, too! Never dreamed that we would ever have the opportunity to see Jacob in his school activities on a regular basis — we have loved having you guys closer!


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