
Monarch Migration

I know that this photo looks more like Spring than Autumn, but I promise it was taken today!

  • Aperture: ƒ/5.6
  • Camera: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi
  • Focal length: 105mm
  • Shutter speed: 1/250s
11 observations on “Monarch Migration
  1. Christi

    LOL…you would guess right (I was using my Canon EF70-300mm,) but I was still only standing about 5-7 feet from them.

    I didn’t think that I was going to get any shots today because my camera wasn’t wanting to focus and the first time I put that lens on, it wouldn’t do a single thing, but then it just seemed to work itself out…scary though!!! I do NOT want my camera to break!!!

  2. sharilyn

    OH MY GOSH!!! that’s an amazing photo!!!!!!! : ) the contrast of colors with the orange and purple–lovely!! and the butterflies in flight– way cool capture! (are those viceroy butterflies? or maybe queen butterflies?)

  3. Dave

    I think you need to post more than this one. I know you posted some on facebook, but I think you should put some others up here! They’re awesome!

  4. Daniel

    Very nice! And if it was taken today than it is very fall-ish. After all we need to be able to see the change through the pictures.


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